Quote from article at Botton: "Was this the establishment of the "reactionary international":
and here: https://nationalconservatism.org/natcon-4-2024/presenters/yoram-hazony/,
In the campaign mosaic of winning an election, there is virtually no one on this email list who can complain of what is going on today without being a hypocrite, with this a disproportionately Republican/Conservative email list with long-time ties to, and high praise from, the Heritage Foundation for a one-time member of the list and one the leading supporters of the administration: BLUF: "In the former role, he was instrumental in promoting the careers of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Gray also played a prominent role in defending Justice Thomas against scurrilous charges during his contentious confirmation hearing. "Boyden was also a longtime member of the Board of Directors of the Federalist Society, . . . " That's not meant to criticize anyone but to point out this List's influence for where we're at today, to celebrate it, I guess. We've had a ring-side seat on this email list since 2015 with events and ideologues promoting the ideology we're under today, but with a link as well to the past that led up to today with so many Traditional Conservatives here going back to or propagating ideas of the "Founding Era" of the Thought Control Conservatives, and so many Right-revisionists "sanitizing" their lurid, anti-Constitutional past, culminating in the present. With policies like this: "President Donald Trump said Palestinians in Gaza would not have a right to return under his plan for US "ownership" of the war-torn territory, contradicting other officials in his administration who have sought to argue Trump was only calling for the temporary relocation of its population." And ideological alliances like these: "On the essentials, we're all in agreement: the Christian values of family and freedom, national sovereignty . . . " Or as Marine Le Pen would put it, from Wikipedia, with citations, "Travail, Famille, Patrie" "In the Revue des deux Mondes (Two Worlds Magazine) of 15 September 1940, Marshal Pétain wrote this repudiation of the motto of the French Republic. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité : When our young people […] approach adult life, we shall say to them […] that real liberty cannot be exercised except under the shelter of a guiding authority, which they must respect, which they must obey […]. We shall then tell them that equality [should] set itself within the framework of a hierarchy, founded on the diversity of office and merits. […] Finally, we shall tell them that there is no way of having true brotherhood except within those natural groups, the family, the town, the fatherland.[1]" |
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